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Wvfsl Explains How Budgeting Makes Giving Easier

Giving makes us happier. It’s not just a nice sentiment; there is real science behind it. When we give, we get the same rush as when we enjoy a piece of chocolate. And it doesn’t seem to matter how much we give, the rush is the same -- the feeling you get when you give $5 is the same as the feeling you get when you give $100. Studies indicate that people who give are not only happier, have a greater sense of gratitude and live longer.

So what if you want to give but have trouble actually doing it? Well, we’d like to help. Below are a few very practical tips:

• Budget for it. Come up with a number that you feel comfortable giving and then create a line item in your budget.

o Some people like to make a large donation at the end of the year. If that's you, decide on the amount, divide by 12 and that is the amount you need to set aside monthly.

o Others want to be able to give as the spirit moves them. If that's you, set aside a monthly amount to put in a savings account so that the money is waiting when you feel inspired.

• Make a sacrifice. Find something in your current budget that you are willing to cut back so you have extra money to give.

• Make it automatic. You don’t miss money you don’t see. Have a certain amount of money taken out of your bank account monthly and place it in either a savings account or have the money go directly to the charity of your choice each month.

• Be specific. Finding a cause you have a passion for will give you a greater motivation to give. Look for opportunities that allow you to fund clear and tangible projects.

Giving connects us to each other. When we give, we feel an instant connection to the people or organization to which we give a donation, which means it's great for our communities! As a bank that believes in putting Community First, Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan makes it a priority to donate time and resources to not-for-profits that benefit the local community.

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